Sunday, October 26, 2014

Goin' ona train

We hooked up with a surgeon in New Orleans to fix the bride.
Since she can't fly due to not being able to walk, we are taking a sleeper with a bathroom.
Three squares delivered, chair lifts at all transfers, kinda kool.
Around $1500 one way and we have to through Chicago which adds a day, but there is only one car set for wheelchairs heading  to N.O.
Her brother lives there that she hasn't seen in forty years so there's that.
He is in the medical field and highly recommended him, a guy in Phoenix,  and our original doc in San Fran.
Since my CCWs are honored in LA I'll have a couple in checked baggage.
I just hope she gets fixed up, we can get a direct back to Kali, and the housekeeper doesn't move the furniture.
Plus, the Giants won again.


  1. I hope its a comfortable and uneventful trip for your both. Wave as you go by :-)

  2. Awesome trip with all the conveniences, good luck and much success!!
    And go Giants!

  3. Travel safe and thoughts and prayers for your lady!
