Saturday, February 24, 2018

New shooters

I took my granddaughter and her boyfriend to the range today.

After safety training and going over the workings of four different pistols we started off with a MKlll till they knew grip and sight picture.
On to a CZ75 at ten yards, 686 w/.38spl, and a 1911 with 230gr white box.
Lemme tell ya...these kids can burn ammo..heh.
I have a lot of mags for self loaders but I was kept busy loading.
She really liked the .22 and was OK with the .9mm.
He loved the 686, especially with .357 mag loads .
They went through about 150 rounds of each pistol.

Then I broke out an AR.
It has a reddot on it and we were at 50yds.
Steven did ok off hand and put 'em all in the black 6 inch target.
Alesha got 'em all in the body off hand, and outshot him from the bench..heh.

Bitchin' day.      Take a kid shootin'.