Monday, June 3, 2019


I had to ship the stock and action of my Citori back to Browning due to the asshole that owned it before me had plugged the access to the stock screw.
Took it to UPS to box and ship.
"Oh, gun part, we can't ship that".
They sent me twenty miles to their 'shipping hub'.
Sign on the locked door read "hours 8 to 4.30".
Knocked, no one home. (1:20pm)
Took it to FEDEX and a nice young lady said it will leave today.
$48.74 included insurance to $660.00
Now I just hope Browning fixes it.
It was made in 1974 and I've had it ten years with at least 100 rounds a week through it.
Who knows if it has ever been apart.
Made 'em good back in the day...heh.


  1. Not sure where you are at but I suggest making friends with a gun shop in your area and shipping through them.Retailer I worked for did it for no charge and as is a repair no 4473.

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  3. That's because of the theft of guns that UPS had. Agree with Unk. 'Most' dealers will do it for cost, no 4473 required.

  4. Agree with Old NFO, (please don't tell him) the Cali gun shop guy I had did it for free...
